Our Products

Web Рortal

Veni, vidi, vici - as Caesar would have said in the old days.

One of our main work products, the web portal fully corresponds to this concept!

You just need to log in (veni), create or view the desired sports event (vidi), and take part in it (vici)!

However, let's get acquainted with everything in detail!
Web Рortal

Creating an event

Creating an event

Any organiser knows that creating a sports event is a very difficult and time-consuming process. It is necessary to take into account a thousand little things, to work quickly with a huge amount of information. Negotiate with many different people, and sometimes even from different countries and different languages!
Creating an event
Creating an event
We have taken all this into account. And as a result, our web portal offers the following services for creating an event:

- Convenient “passport” of the event - clearly marked lines for entering the name of the event, place and time of the event,

- Ability to add an event poster (horizontal and vertical layout are supported),

Creating an event
- Registration closing date - reserve the right to exclude participants from the event after registration closes,

- Adding event descriptions - to maintain a friendly, sporty atmosphere!

- Multilingualism - the web portal supports work in different languages!

Creating an event
Adding participants

Adding participants

Sports events are created for a reason. And one of the main ones on it are sportsmen who will demonstrate their skills by the sweat of their brow.
Great aspirations deserve attention and support! The web portal provides any coach with a convenient way to monitor the achievements of his wards, rejoicing at their every new victory! A once-entered sportsman is saved in the coach's sports club. This significantly saves time during the quick registration!


Many sports have a categorization within themselves. This supports the spirit of fair competition. Our web portal provides the following parameters for creating categories:
- Growth
- Weight
- Age
- Male, Female, Unisex
- Type of sports competition
(Kumite, Kata, Tameshiwari)

Once entered categories are saved for future use. When opening a new tournament, you don't have to enter them again!
The categories announced for the tournament will be available in the quick registration form. Moreover, our electronic registration system is engaged in careful verification of all entered data. And in case an athlete is mistakenly assigned to a category, it will indicate an error (data inconsistency will be highlighted in red).

Lists of categories are also available when they are distributed on the tatami (sports arenas). The application records if all the categories declared for the tournament were distributed among the corresponding sports arenas.
Categories + Tatami
Don't be afraid to enter
a lot of categories - the search is always at hand!
The time is indicated with
accuracy to the second

Quick registration

As soon as the organiser of the sports event completes the basic settings of the tournament, you can send out invitations to register.

The coach you invite will receive a registration form by email. It will already indicate:
Quick registration
Confirmation of the application

Confirmation of the application

For each coach invited to the event, a brief statistical information shows:

- First and last name
- Contact email
- Country
- Sports club
- The total number of athletes from this coach
- The number of categories in which sportsmen will participate


Our application allows you to carefully store all the necessary materials for the tournament online. Now any participant who wants to read the regulations or get acquainted with the list of declared categories will be able to do it easily.
Of course, we took into account the fact that some documents may not be publicly available. Therefore, the organiser of the sports event has the opportunity to personally configure access to the document. Open it to everyone, or only to a narrow circle of people (for example, judges and referees).


Our application also allows you to compile multidisciplinary reports on the past event. To date, reports of the following type are being generated:
- Report on the winners in each of the declared categories
- Report on the total number of prizes occupied by athletes for each coach
- Report for judging
- Report on athletes' non-attendance at a sports event due to injuries or other force majeure circumstances

Tournament Expert Studio

Explore a new level of running Your sporting event, with the help of Tournament Expert. Tournament Expert Studio easily constructs any event, covering all the time-consuming organisational work, saving the smallest changes in a matter of seconds!
Operator Mode

Opening of the Event

The poster and the name of the event — it is easy to navigate when holding several events at the same time

Category statistics — simply view the statistics of the declared categories for the event. This will help You effectively distribute participants among them

Number of tatami mats - analyse the estimated number of participants and choose the best opportunities for the event

Opening of the Event
Participant statistics — explore the information about the already registered participants and participants in the process of registration for further formation of tournament grids

Coach statistics - all information about all invited coaches collected in one place
Opening of the Event
Number of Participating Countries — view information about the number of countries participating in the event

Opening and closing of registration — control the registration process, reserving the right to prevent participants from attending the event after the registration closes
Opening of the Event
Formation of the tournament grid

Formation of the tournament grid

Formation of the tournament grid
Simple formation of the tournament grid - choosing the right participant for the right position is the task of a couple of clicks

User-friendly interface — marks with a different colour the history of passing stages for a given participant, as well as marks the winners of the category in a special way on an ongoing basis
Marks the winners in a special way
Various options for results
Detailed study of the battle protocol
Detailed study of the battle protocol
Marks the winners in a special way
Marks the winners in a special way

Choosing the winner

High adaptability
our app works offline! You don't need the Internet to use it
easy to make, easy to fix! Marking of the specified fields with a different colour is also provided
Artificial intelligence
can independently deduce the final result,
as well as suggest which participants move on to the next round
Choosing the winner
Diplom workshop!

Diplom workshop!

In our studio you can create a diploma for a sports event. The new “Diploma Printing" functionality works as follows:
Download the diploma template
Enter the necessary information
(winner's name, place, category name, etc.)
You can print the trial version!
If no further revision of the fields is required,
the diplomas are ready for printing!
With our studio, printing diplomas is a pleasure! The process is so adapted to the user that it can be done right during a sporting event.
Full synchronisation of data

Full synchronisation of data

As soon as you finish creating a sports event, it will be available for download and further work with it without using the Internet. This means that you can view the data about:
Participants of the event who will take part in the event
Their coaches
Sports clubs,
Sport judges and referees
Documentation and protocols related to the event
Registrators for this event

Information board

We absolutely will not lie if we say that the information board is what our product was created for. Even the smallest athletes are pleased to see their proud name on the scoreboard during big competitions!

Our information board supports data transmission both via wi-fi and cable (if there is no Internet connection).
Information board
On the information board, you can display the name of the element being performed
Clear color distinction between athletes depending on their participation
Info Tablo
After the completion of the broadcast by all participants
category, the winner will be highlighted in a special color
This application is adaptive. Depending on the sporting event you are hosting, some of the elements presented on the screen are subject to change.
Tablo TV
Tablo TVTablo TV

Sports data for video broadcasting

Do you want to see and not lose the numbering of fights, fighters, data on victories, withdrawals or absences?
Our database carefully stores all information about the tournaments held and scheduled. This makes it easier for the secretary, judges and tournament organisers to work.
Sport data preview
Sports data are presented succinctly for the viewer
The sports data comparison format is available
The timer counts down the time until the end of the competitive element
Sport data preview
Sport data preview
The timer works in the
forward and countdown modes
Different types of
are supported for team
and single performances
Sports data
are succinctly presented to the viewer

Live broadcast of the competition

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to have constant, comfortable access to live broadcast!
Live broadcast of the competition

Mobile Application

The mobile app is a tournament in your pocket. It provides the ability to interact with other components of our application “right on the go". Absolutely all the functions of the web portal have been adapted to work from a small screen.
This is not only viewing current tournaments, but also filling out registration forms, opening new tournaments and much more!
Mobile Application


When viewing and editing the tournament, you can enjoy conveniently differentiable fields. Each line of information has its own named field. This helps to avoid inaccuracies and errors when filling out.
Also, we have added a geolocation function! This is an invaluable help at an international sporting event.
Mobile Application event
Detailed view of information about the participant
Detailed view of information about the participant
List of all athletes in the tournament
Detailed view of information about the participant
Optimised view for each fight in the category. Easy-to-read category view, names of athletes, fight number.
List of all athletes in the tournament
A separate menu item where you can see the winners for each category. As well as the coach and the sports club of the winning sportsmen.
High time to be online!

High time to be online!

Cooperation with customers is the best market strategy. We strive for the future, we love to master new technologies. That is why we have created a mobile application. By installing it, you will be able to manage your tournament anytime and anywhere!
Time to be online

Время быть онлайн!