“Cupa Shogun”, the II edition

The II edition of the “Cupa Shogun” karate tournament was held on April 8th, 2023, in the beautiful village of Panasesti. This exciting competition brought together around 170 skilled sportsmen from three different countries: Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. The competition was fierce, and the spectators were on the edge of their seats as they watched the athletes compete for glory. It was a thrilling competition that showcased the best of the karate discipline, and it was made possible thanks to the support of Tournament Expert software.



The tournament had a total of 17 categories for both male and female athletes, ranging from kumite to kata. The level of competition was extremely high, and the judges had a tough time selecting the winners. However, in the end, the athletes from Ukraine stood out, as they won the majority of the categories. Nevertheless, the Moldovan and Romanian athletes put up a strong fight and proved their skills on the mat. The event was not only about competition, but also about camaraderie and respect among athletes from different countries, all united by their passion for karate.

The sportsmen were delighted to take part in such an incredible event, which provided them with an opportunity to showcase their skills and compete against some of the best karate athletes from different countries. The II edition of the “Cupa Shogun” was a great success, and it was an unforgettable experience for all participants. The sportsmen expressed their appreciation for the well-organized event, and they highlighted the importance of using Tournament Expert software, which made the tournament run smoothly and efficiently. The software ensured that the competition was fair and transparent, and it allowed the judges to focus on assessing the athletes’ performances without having to worry about administrative tasks.

One of the keys to the smooth running of this event was the use of Tournament Expert software. This cutting-edge software made the organization and management of the event much easier and more efficient.

The software allowed the organizers to keep track of all the participants, events, and results in real-time. With the help of Tournament Expert, the event ran like clockwork, with no delays or complications.

One of the advantages of using Tournament Expert is the ability to handle large volumes of data with ease. With so many participants from different countries, keeping track of everything can be a daunting task. However, Tournament Expert simplifies the process by organizing all the data in a user-friendly interface. This allows organizers to quickly access and analyze the data they need to make informed decisions.


Another benefit of using Tournament Expert is the ability to quickly generate accurate and up-to-date reports.

These reports can be customized to show specific data such as the number of participants, the results of each match, and the overall standings. This information can be used to inform spectators, coaches, and participants, keeping everyone up-to-date and informed.

Overall, the II edition of “Cupa Shogun” was a huge success thanks to the hard work of the organizers and the use of Tournament Expert software. The event showcased the incredible skills and dedication of the athletes and brought together people from different countries to celebrate the sport of karate. We look forward to the next edition of this exciting competition and are confident that Tournament Expert will once again play an important role in its success.